
Note: We are currently working on updating our SDK to make it more ergonomic.

Our Javascript SDK works with the OriginByte NFT Protocol and provides extensive opportunities for both developers and creators.

How to Initialize


Our SDK requires a minimum of Node 16.

To install the library run the command:

npm install @originbyte/js-sdk

Or, if you use yarn:

yarn add @originbyte/js-sdk

To interact with Sui blockchain we recommend installing:

npm install @mysten/sui.js

Or, if you use yarn:

yarn add @mysten/sui.js

Code Examples and Usage

The NftClient class provides all necessary methods to fetch the data from the blockchain and build transactions to interact with the contract. You can create your own parser and fetch any data from the blockchain - by either using a user wallet address or directly by an Object ID. The parser is an object which implements an interface:

export interface SuiObjectParser<RpcResponse, DataModel> {
  parser: (
    typedData: RpcResponse,
    suiObject: SuiObject,
    rpcResponse: GetObjectDataResponse
  ) => DataModel | undefined // Parsing function, which takes RPC response and transform it into the plain JS object.
  regex: RegExp // Regular expression to filter objects

An example of the parser can be seen here:

  export const CollectionParser: SuiObjectParser<NftCollectionRpcResponse, NftCollection> = {
    parser: (data: NftCollectionRpcResponse, suiData: SuiObject, rpcResponse: GetObjectDataResponse) => ({
      description: data.description,
      creators: data.creators,
      symbol: data.symbol,
      receiver: data.receiver,
      id: suiData.reference.objectId,
      tags: => _.fields.value),
      rawResponse: rpcResponse,
    regex: /0x[a-f0-9]{40}::collection::Collection<0x[a-f0-9]{40}::[a-zA-Z]{1,}::[a-zA-Z]{1,}, 0x[a-f0-9]{40}::std_collection::StdMeta, 0x[a-f0-9]{40}::cap::[a-zA-Z]{1,}>/,

The SDK also provides predefined parsers and methods to interact with OriginByte's NFT protocol. The following methods can be used:

  • fetchAndParseObjectsById

  • fetchAndParseObjectsForAddress

  • getMintAuthoritiesById

  • getMarketsByParams

  • getCollectionsById

  • getCollectionsForAddress

  • getNftsById

  • getNftsForAddress

  • getNftCertificatesById

  • getNftCertificatesForAddress

For further examples can be found here.


Fetch Onchain Data: Collection and NFTs

import { NftClient } from '@originbyte/js-sdk';

const getNfts = async () => {
  const client = new NftClient();
  const collection = await client.getCollectionsById({ objectIds: ['0xfc18b65338d4bb906018e5f73b586a57b777d46d'] });
  const nfts = await client.getNftsForAddress('0x0ec841965c95866d38fa7bcd09047f4e0dfa0ed9');
  console.log('nfts', collection, nfts);


Mint a New NFT

  const mintToLaunchpad = async () => {
  const collections = await client.getCollectionsForAddress(`0x${keypair.getPublicKey().toSuiAddress()}`);

  const collectionsForWallet = (collections)
    .filter((_) => _.packageObjectId === PACKAGE_OBJECT_ID);

  console.log('collectionForWallet', collectionsForWallet);
  if (collectionsForWallet.length) {
    const collection = collectionsForWallet[0];
    const mintNftTransaction = NftClient.buildMintNftTx({
      mintAuthority: collection.mintAuthorityId,
      moduleName: 'suimarines',
      name: 'My First NFT',
      description: 'My First NFT',
      packageObjectId: collection.packageObjectId,
      url: '',
      attributes: {
        Rarity: 'Ultra-rare',
        Author: 'OriginByte',
      launchpadId: LAUNCHPAD_ID,
    const mintResult = await signer.executeMoveCall(mintNftTransaction);
    console.log('mintResult', mintResult);

More Examples:

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