Create a Marketplace Launchpad

This section is reserved for Marketplaces and dApps

Marketplaces can create an on-chain abstraction that allows them to host NFT listings and collects fees from sales.

The following is a two step process to create an on-chain Marketplace:

  1. Create a default fee policy for the Marketplace, in relation to fees charged on the NFT sales

  2. Create the Marketplace on-chain

Create a default fee policy for the Marketplace, in relation to fees charged on the NFT sales:

import { NftClient } from '../src';
import { PACKAGE_OBJECT_ID, signer } from './common';

export const createFee = async () => {
  const transaction = NftClient.buildCreateFlatFee({
    packageObjectId: PACKAGE_OBJECT_ID,
    rate: 1000,
  const createFeeResult = await signer.executeMoveCall(transaction);
  console.log('createFeeResult', JSON.stringify(createFeeResult));


Create the Marketplace:

import { NftClient } from '../src';
import { FEE_OBJECT_ID, PACKAGE_OBJECT_ID, signer } from './common';

export const initLaunchpad = async () => {
  const pubKey = await signer.getAddress();
  const transaction = NftClient.buildInitLaunchpad({
    packageObjectId: PACKAGE_OBJECT_ID,
    admin: `0x${pubKey}`, // launchpad admin,
    receiver: `0x${pubKey}`, // launchpad receiver
    defaultFee: FEE_OBJECT_ID,
    autoApprove: true,
  const initLaunchpadResult = await signer.executeMoveCall(transaction);
  console.log('initLaunchpadResult', JSON.stringify(initLaunchpadResult));


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